About PDXNet

The PDXNet is a National Cancer Institute (NCI) program established to coordinate collaborative, large-scale development and pre-clinical testing of targeted therapeutic agents in patient-derived models to advance the vision of cancer precision medicine. There are six PDTCs and one PDCCC within the network.

The main goals for PDTCs include:

  • Development of new PDX models and methods for preclinical testing of single agents and drug combinations

  • Conducting studies of response of PDX models to novel therapeutic strategies with an emphasis on prioritizing therapeutic concepts using NCI-IND agents (ctep.cancer.gov/industryCollaborations2/agreements_agents) that can be clinically validated in NCI’s Experimental Therapeutics Clinical Trials Network (ETCTN) (ctep.cancer.gov/initiativesPrograms/etctn) using the newly established models as well as other existing well-characterized PDX models.

The PDCCC will develop a collaborative infrastructure that integrates the effort of individual PDTCs and provide bioinformatics and biostatistics expertise suitable for the analyses and integration of complex biological data from multiple experimental platforms and other sources.